Tag: #NaturalMedicine

Body & Story Studio Event

Dr. Jen Stotlar will be at Body & Story Studio in Libertyville on Saturday March 8th from 1:30 – 3:00. And it’s FREE! Come join us to learn how to support your innate ability to heal. Go to https://www.bodyandstory.com/events to reserve your spot. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Choosing Nutrition Event at Buffalo Grove Fitness Center

Dr. Jen Stotlar presents Choosing Foods to Meet Nutritional Needs” at Buffalo Grove Fitness Center on February 13th – especially the benefits of whole foods and eating the rainbow.

Heart Rate Variability Workshop

Setting up for a Heart Rate Variability (HRV) workshop at Club Pilates in Palatine on February 8th. HRV is the variation of time between heartbeats. Pulse measure the average over a minute, but for a pulse of 80 beats per minute, some beats may be occurring at 60 and some at 100 and you would…
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Naturopathic Medicine Week

(Reposting with permission from AANP and INM) Here’s how licensed naturopathic doctors (NDs) are contributing to the revolution in wellness: Whole Person Health: NDs emphasize a holistic approach to wellness, treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms of a disease. Integrative Approach: NDs skillfully combine natural therapeutic traditions with modern science to restore…
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